
Naomi Rae Estreicher, Summer 2012

Naomi Rae Estreicher is a Toronto based designer and visual artist. She studied digital print production at Toronto Image Works Institute and is available for full-time and freelance design opportunities.  Her design experience includes editorial (magazine articles), corporate collateral, direct mail, brochures, posters, packaging design and corporate identities.  She also has production experience with print advertisements, signage, and simplifying architectural floor plans for brochures and handouts. Many years of experience in the financial industry has given her the skills to prepare large complex reports, maintaining consistency in style and an understanding of the importance of information hierarchy.

She received her Bachelor of Arts degree in 1999 from the University of Toronto with a major in fine art studio.  She studied a variety of traditional techniques and contemporary drawing and painting styles, although in her portfolio she focuses on acrylic paintings.

Naomi Rae paints in a very intuitive way, she works with very simple concepts – a colour or object – until the painting is developed enough to begin to acquire its own voice. Naomi Rae often expresses her appreciation for science, spirituality, animals and the environment in her work.

In addition to arts, Naomi has an affinity for travel and adventure.  She has backpacked across Europe, Australia and New Zealand; driven across Canada and the United States; vacationed in Mexico and the Caribbean; and many other smaller travel adventures.